May 11, 2012
DeMaurice Smith Statement on Passing of Stacy Robinson

"This is a very sad time for our NFLPA extended family. Stacy came to the PA in 1995 as a former New York Giant
player. He came here because he wanted to advance the rights of his fellow players and serve them after his
playing days were completed. Stacy was a tremendous teammate during his career with the Giants and he became an
integral part of our extended player and staff family for more than 15 years. His family grew up with our family,
and every day he was unmatched in his dedication and sacrifice.
"As someone who came into this family from the outside, I will never forget his patience in teaching me about the
intricacies of this business, but most of all he reminded me daily of the passion with which he served the Players
of this League. Just today I got a note from a parent of the Hummingbird Track Club, for which Stacy was the
two-time president. He talked of his dedication to the hundreds of kids who ran track in the program and Stacy's
support for his daughter who ran and is now about to attend college.
"Stacy touched so many people here and in his extended community that his spirit will only continue to grow. From
his hometown friends in St. Paul, Minnesota, to his wife Nadine, and the three sons of whom he was so proud, Stacy
Jr., Myles and Marquis; we want to thank you for letting us have Stacy here for so long. We will miss our friend
and our teammate but we will always remember his laugh and his love."
- DeMaurice Smith, NFLPA Executive Director
NFLPA: Our Purpose Is to Defend All Players

During a radio interview with an Atlanta sports radio station, an NFLPA official addressed progress in the areas
of player concussions and alleged "pay-to-injure" programs, among other issues.
George Atallah was interviewed by John Kincade, a host on talk radio station 680 The Fan. He said that the
players association has conducted a review of potential improvements in helmet technologies, and that it is
working with helmet manufacturers to ensure that players have available to them the most sophisticated helmets.
"We're working with the ensure that helmet replacement programs trickle down all the way to youth
football," Atallah said.
He also told Kincade that an increase in the amount of independent neurologists on sidelines at games, dedicated
to detecting concussions, takes the decision out of players' hands and puts it in those of trained medical
"The choice is not his (the player's); it's a medical professional's choice," he said, adding that if a player
fails a sideline test administered by an independent neurologist after suffering an apparent concussion, he would
not return to play in the game.
Click to read the article.
Matt Light Latest to Discuss Crohn's Battle
Matt Light is one of the toughest offensive linemen in the league, and one of a handful of players in NFL history
to play in five Super Bowls, all with the New England Patriots. When he announced his retirement this week, he
also came out publicly about his struggle with Crohn's disease throughout much of his career - a struggle which
almost cost him his life, and which contributed to his decision to retire at age 33.

"I knew I had some issues in 2001," he said. "People that have it know...the pain that comes along with it and
how it affects people, it's just a very ugly disease." Crohn's is a debilitating, chronic form of inflammatory
bowel disease. About 1.4 million Americans suffer from IBD, roughly half of that number with Crohn's.
"I basically got to the point, over the 3-4 years of being diagnosed with Crohn's, that I couldn't handle the
pain anymore," Light said. "The pain became so difficult that in the offseason it just paralyzed me. I'd hit the
ground. You can't wake up. You can't sit down. You can't do anything without this becoming a problem."
Click to read the article.
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Getting Help For Depression
Learn more about depression. There are many myths flying around about depression. Educate yourself about the
facts so that you may help anyone you suspect may be suffering from this disease.

When you have depression, it's more than feeling sad. Intense feelings of sadness and other symptoms, like losing
interest in things you enjoy, may last for a while. Depression is a medical illness, not a sign of weakness. And
it's treatable.
Click to find out more.
Click to take the quiz.
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5 Ways to Build a Better Business Card Online
Create killer business cards online using these easy-to-use, affordable services.

You know dressing for success is crucial. So why are you still passing out ugly business cards? After the initial face-to-face meeting, that little piece of card stock is all your contacts will have to remember you by. It's vital to dress your business card with the same level of professionalism in which you dress yourself.
Fortunately, now it's easier than ever to do so without spending a fortune. Check out the following services:
Click to read the article.
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University of Phoenix
We are pleased to announce that the NFLPA Scholarship Program with the University of Phoenix is back! There have
been several changes made to the program so please click on the link below for details. Five full-scholarships
(Bachelors or Masters) will be awarded to former players this year. If you are interested in applying please visit and complete the application by
June 12, 2012.
Dental Tip of the Week
See your dentist at least twice a year, more if you have been diagnosed with gum disease. Many dental problems,
like small cavities and gum disease, are painless. Missing dental appointments increase the likelihood of needing
a root canal, crown, or gum treatment.
Dr. Jerry Gordon directs the Former NFL Player Dental Discount Program. The program is a member discount program.
To learn more go to Interested former players
can register at
The Dental Comfort Zone 2734 Street Rd. | Bensalem, PA, 19020 | 215.639.0571
University of Michigan Depression Center
The University of Michigan Depression Center has partnered with the NFLPA to provide a comprehensive mood and
behavioral evaluation. The assessment will generate a personalized treatment plan with recommendations that
incorporate the past and current lifestyle of the player and family. The Program includes a year-long follow up by
Specialists, which will be coordinated with local physicians, care providers and family, thereby helping to assure
that progress is monitored and that any necessary adjustments are timely. Pre arranged services include; an
initial assessment done over the phone by a qualified nurse or social worker; a pre-visit phone call with a
doctor; if necessary a scheduled day of care at the University of Michigan Depression Center. This is a need based
If you would like to know more please reply to Andre Collins
or Tyrone Allen, 1.800.372.2000 ext 166
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